| 划词


三体 I

Considering mitigating circumstances, you'll serve maybe six or seven years.


2016 ESLPod

During the trial, her attorneys tried to show that there were mitigating circumstances, but the judge didn't buy it.

在审判期间, 她的律师试图证明有减轻节,但法买账。

2016 ESLPod

But in this case the judge didn't agree, in the case of the murderer, that there were mitigating circumstances for her crime.

但在这种, 法同意凶手的,她的罪行有减轻节。

2016 ESLPod

In this case, during the trial the attorneys, the lawyers who work for this woman accused of murder, tried to show that there were " mitigating circumstances."

在这种, 在审判期间,为这名被控谋杀的妇女工作的律师试图证明存在“减轻节” 。

2016 ESLPod

Well, stealing food is a crime, but the judge might decide there were " mitigating circumstances" – things that, even though you did commit the crime, mean that you shouldn't be punished as severely or as heavily.

好吧,偷食物是一种犯罪,但法可能会决定存在“减轻节” ——即使你确实犯了罪,也意味着你应该受到同样严重或同样严重的惩罚。

2016 ESLPod

Geraldo says, " During the trial, her attorneys tried to show that there were mitigating circumstances, but the judge didn't buy it." So I guess we're talking about a woman who murdered someone, not a man.

杰拉尔多说, “在审判期间, 她的律师试图证明有减轻节,但法买账。 ” 所以我想我们谈论的是一个杀了人的女人, 而是男人。



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